This is a highly curated list of resources to support public health change agents advancing population health and equity. Many more tools to take action can be found in the population health and equity resource databases below.
Step 0: Build Trust
The Role and Importance of Building Trust
By: Penn State University: Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education
Description: This resource is part of a broader Community Engagement toolbox that was designed to provide a brief and practical guide to effective engagement and provides several key imperatives from building trust literature.
Engaging People with Lived Experience Toolkit
By: WE in the World, 100 Million Healthier Lives
Description: This toolkit helps you build capacity in engaging people with lived experience. Improving equity requires recognizing the ability of all people to create change. Community residents are empowered to be part of designing, implementing, and evaluating change.
Stories to Systems Change Worksheet
By: WE in the World
Description: This template outlines the stories to systems change mapping process to gain a deeper understanding of how the system is showing up in the lives of people experiencing inequities.
Pathways to Population Health Equity Compass
By: WE in the World, ASTHO, CDC
Description: The P2PHE Compass is a tool to help public health change agents see where they are in their health equity journey. Like any good compass, it can be used to enable individuals to look ahead and chart a path forward. This should ultimately be done in collaboration with communities that are not thriving. In the early stages of implementation, a health department or community collaboration might use it to prepare for a more comprehensive equity journey.
The Assessment for Advancing Community Transformation Tool
By: 100 Million Healthier Lives/Institute for Healthcare Improvement, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, Georgia Health Policy Center
Description: This tool was designed to help individuals and teams understand how far along the group is in its journey toward health transformation and what areas can be strengthened to help go further.
Step 1: Form Team
Making Community Partnerships Work: A Toolkit
By: March of Dimes Foundation
Description: Health researchers have shown that building effective community partnerships helps address the health and social needs of a community. This toolkit is designed to give you the background and tools you may need to engage a community in a partnership. You will learn how to work with community members to achieve a shared goal.
Empathy Mapping in Design Thinking
By: Charles Leon, posted on Medium
Description: Mapping is one of the many visual and graphic ways used to solve problems or challenges. An Empathy Map, when used in a team, will create a collaborative visualization tool to better understand the users and help in making decisions and allows us to be able to communicate the persona or community to others.
Eight Steps to Effective Coalition Building
By: Prevention Institute
Description: This is a framework for engaging individuals, organizations and governmental partners in addressing community concerns. The complete document offers concrete steps towards building effective partnerships, and provides tips for making collaborations and partnerships work. Rather than creating new projects or programs, effective coalitions can harness existing resources to develop a unique community approach and achieve results beyond the scope of one single institution or organization.
Developing a Plan for Building Leadership
By: Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas
Description: This chapter of the Community Toolbox is about how to develop an overall leadership plan for your group or organization. There are practical ideas for how you, as a leader of your organization, can train others to lead.
By: Kristin Arnold, Leading The Extraordinary Team
Description: This resource describes the key elements for a success team launch process.
Step 2: Assess
Information Gathering and Synthesis
By: Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas
Description: This chapter of the Community Toolbox is about how to gather information about your community issue and put that information together to design an evaluation to address your questions.
Vital Conditions for Well-Being and Justice
By: Well Being Trust, Thriving Together Springboard
Description: Vital conditions tell us what is going on in our community and in the world around us. This resource introduces a core concept of the Thriving Together framework for each vital condition and elevates the voices of stewards working in communities and organizations across the country, and highlights actionable, solution-oriented resources.
By: Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas
Description: This chapter of the Community Toolbox is about learning how to analyze community problems to better understand root causes and plan effective interventions.
Pathways to Population Health Equity Compass
By: WE in the World, ASTHO, CDC
Description: The P2PHE Compass is a tool to help public health change agents see where they are in their health equity journey. Like any good compass, it can be used to enable individuals to look ahead and chart a path forward. This should ultimately be done in collaboration with communities that are not thriving. In the early stages of implementation, a health department or community collaboration might use it to prepare for a more comprehensive equity journey.
Pathways to Population Health Equity Action Plan
By: WE in the World, ASTHO, CDC
Description: The P2PHE Action Plan provides a template to identify up to five Compass priorities to work on, establish goals for each priority and to create an improvement plan for each of these priorities.
Step 3: Strategize
Please see resources provided for Portfolio 1: Physical and Mental Health, Portfolio 2: Social and Spiritual Well-Being, Portfolio 3: Community Conditions, and Portfolio 4: Root Causes in the Resources tab of this webpage.
Step 4: Take Action
By: Mind Tools Content Team
Description: The Action Priority Matrices show you how to prioritize activities to make the most of your time, energy, and talents.